



OCTOBER 07-09, 2022
This will be a one stop destination for experts, amateurs and students. All three can collaborate and expand the astronomy activities and services. The community of amateur astronomy today has access to greater equipments and more resources. The school and college students have now more capability to learn and showcase their ability. Today amateur astronomy associations are doing more science outreach while amateurs are contributing towards scientific research with whatever equipment they can use. Only hurdle is they are not as proficient as the professional astronomers with all the maths and physics involved. However they have the skills needed to contributed in small proportions and feel motivated.
The event will happen as an Online Event on the Zoom Platform. The Zoom platform will allow us to invite and accept a variety of speakers, and listeners. The same shall be broadcasted online on our YouTube channel so that more audience can take benefit from the event. The Day will be divided into different sections and each section will have multiple sessions. Towards the end of each session, there will be a few minutes to take the questions from the audience.
While the day wise schedule is designed to let students identify where and when they need to be present, there is no certainty that it may be followed rigorously. It is essential that you check back with us for the exact schedule a week before the start of the program. A copy of final program will be shared with the registered participants via email.
Registration Process: The process starts with the announcement of the event and sending invite to the professors, directors of the facilities, Keynote speakers and other distinguished members of the community. Simultaneously the student registration will start online using our data collecting forms (link to be provided on the website). Anyone and everyone can register in the event unto 15 days before the start of the event.
Apart from the personal information required, the applicant will have the possibility to register as a viewer or a speaker. For being a speaker, you have to submit an abstract of no more than 1500 words where you will share the topic of your talk, a brief about what are you going to present and talk. Other than invited guests, every one else has to register and submit the abstract to be a speaker of the event. Based on the reviews of your abstract, we will slot you on the most relevant date and time of the event. An email confirming your participation with the relevant participation details will be shared with you over email.
Interaction Process: While we will try to offer each student to be part of the zoom session at some point, we can not be absolutely certain. While you can watch the session live on YouTube and ask the questions there, interaction on Zoom will enable you to ask questions directly with the speakers. We will try to fit in as many students as possible in these live interactions, mainly on first come basis. Schools can register themselves to create group opportunities for their students to participate and learn.
Culmination Process: The conference will end with all the organising committee members thanking the speakers and participants. After the event ends, the recordings after minor editing shall be uploaded on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms for quick viewing. The same shall be available on our website for visitors to find the relevant details for quick reference in the future. Every participating student will receive the certificate of participation while every speaker will receive a certificate of presenter in the event.
Registration Charges: The event will be absolutely free for students, amateur astronomy associations, Planetarium and Science Centres and the invited speakers. For more details, contact us.
A very important aspect of this event would be to bring continuity among the interactions of the professional and amateur astronomers with students. How the contributions of this can be materialised in the future to benefit one and all will be the key focus of Astrophile Education. The absolute conclusion of the event would be to bridge the gap between different communities for homogenous growth and inclusivity of every contributing member.
One major aspect of the event is to create opportunities for the community, by the community. The opportunities to work in the advanced field based on the knowledge and expertise that the student and amateurs have. Also the interaction between students and researchers will help the researchers find helping hands in their projects.